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Editors: Jerry L. Atwood, Jonathan W. Steed and Karl J. Wallace

The First Edition of the Encyclopedia is now a reality. Please click on the Taylor and Francis logo above for reviews and scope. To buy a copy of the encyclopaedia please click here. We are now actively seeking articles and ideas for the quarterly online updates that will ensure this work remains an invaluable and up to date resource within the field indefinitely. Periodically online updates will be incorporated into further bound hardcopy editions. Please contact Taylor & Francis for details.

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Editorial Advisory Board

Yasuhiro Aoyama
Kyushu University, Japan
Vincenzo Balzani
University of Bologna, Italy
Gautum R. Desiraju
University of Hyderabad, India
Philip A. Gale
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
George W. Gokel
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA
Kenneth D.M. Harris
University of Cardiff, United Kingdom
M. Wais Hosseini
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
Janusz Lipkowski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
uigi R. Nassimbeni
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Colin L. Raston
University of Western Australia, Australia
Julius Rebek, Jr.

Scripps Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
John A. Ripmeester
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, Ottawa, Canada
Robin D. Rogers
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
James H.R. Tucker
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Michael J. Zaworotko
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA